Tuesday, May 5, 2009


February 6, 2007...1:49 am

mini-aircraft carrier/amphibious/sub group, 6000 men on way to Persian Gulf.

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The USS Bataan amphibious assault ship

The United States already has the aircraft carrier Eisenhower and its group there, and the carrier Stennis with its group is on the way. The USS Bataan, with its group, is also joining the force which is menacing Iran. The Bataan is not called an aircraft carrier, but it is substantially bigger than the Yorktown, Lexington and Enterprise aircraft carriers of World War II/Battle of Midway fame.

The amphibious assault ship USS Bataan and the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) have entered the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations….

The Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) will help set the conditions for security and stability in the maritime region, which includes the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman, and parts of the Indian Ocean. These operations will support the counter-terrorism and security efforts of allies.

“We’ll continue our role as the surface warfare commander and the air defense commander for the Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group,” said Cmdr. Jon Carriglitto, Bataan’s operations officer. “Together with the MEU, we bring the ability to insert a quick, capable amphibious force where it’s needed.”

The ESG and the 26th MEU will bring approximately 6,000 additional U.S. sailors and Marines to the region to provide a “versatile sea-based force that can be tailored to a variety of missions,” the press release stated. The Bataan strike group has the capacity to support maritime security operations, combat operations, disaster relief missions and humanitarian assistance.

Even without the Bataan, the US is assembling awesome firepower:

With the sending of the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis and its combat group to join the Dwight D. Eisenhower, already in the Gulf, the United States now has the ability to conduct an air offensive 24 hours a day for 30 or 40 days. It can rely on Bahrain, the huge al-Udaid airbase in Qatar and its operational command centre, and the Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean for supply. The American satellites have reportedly identified 1,500 targets linked to the Iranian nuclear weapon programme, distributed over 18 main sites. No-one doubts that considerable damage could be inflicted on them. Industrial and oil targets could be added to them.


The USS Bataan and its support group, including a submarine, adds at least a couple dozen Harrier jump jets and/or assault helicopters to the force, along with a couple thousand Marines.

I must say that I believe Bush is gonna launch an air assault on Iran. Why think otherwise? The neocons still hold the wheel, and they are running out of time to do their evil. Bush has the support of Tony Blair for only a few more months, he is supported by AIPAC, the UN will be reconsidering Iran in a few weeks, and the Congress is unable to mount any effective opposition to the war president. And Bush loves high oil prices. Only an internal revolt by a Rice or a Gates can stop it now, imho.

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  • And I thought the invasion of Iraq was the stupidest thing any American president had ever done, now this? I hope cooler heads prevail, but the American dream that all problems can be solved if enough bombs are dropped still seems to hold sway in the halls of power. JMO —Doug

  • I wonder if we will ever be able to live again. I’m sick and tired of this frenzied, paranoid bullshit. I need a 50 year vacation from GOP “hawks”.

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